Family: Araceae
Name: Deringu, Rattan, Jeringau
Other Name: Sweet Flag, Myrtle Flag, Calamus, Flagroot
These wild plants like grasses and are usually found in marshy areas or water. It can grow to 6 feet tall. These leaves are green with a width of 0.75 inches in size. It also has a clear veins. This plant flowers in yellow and green while rizomnya pink. Leaves and rhizomes smells like oranges.
Reported to have used to treat toothache, headache, abdominal pain and diabetes.
Toxic parts: rhizomes
Active Ingredients: Eugenol and Asarone (2,4,5-trimethoxy-1-propenylbenzene
Other Ingredients: Monoterpene hydrocarbons, ketones Sequestrine.
Effects of Poisoning
This plant can cause inflammation of the skin or dermatitis. Beta-Asarone in these plants have a carcinogenic effect.

Emergency treatment
Discard the remaining plants from vulnerable members, and wash with soap and water.
If you still feel itching, redness or pain seek further treatment from doctors.
If contact with eyes, run the water for 10 minutes Acorus calamus
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